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Need help finding work?
Not sure where to start?
We're here to help

Paying at the Store
Therapy Session
Construction Manager

Our mission 

Creatively support clients to achieve their employment, education, and training goals with a focus on overall wellbeing and recovery.


What we do

Te Ara Mahi (TeAM) provides specialised, in-depth employment support to meet the needs of jobseekers and employers across the top of the South Island. We connect jobseekers to employers in all industries. 


Who we work with

We work with a wide range of people who have lived mental health experience and connect them with supportive employers and agencies.


Where to find us

TeAM provides support across Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough and the West Coast with offices located in each area. 

Te Ara Mahi Employment Training and Support



PO Box 237
Nelson 7040

Phone or Text

027 918 1889


03 548 8120

TeAM Head Office

Level 2

241 Hardy Street


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